Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2016/05 Stock assessment of ling (Genypterus blacodes) in the Sub-Antarctic (LIN 5&6) for the 2014โ€“15 fishing year

FAR-2016-05-LING56 Stock Assessment.pdf

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An updated Bayesian assessment was presented for the LIN 5&6 (Sub-Antarctic) stock. A model fitted to proportion at-age and survey relative biomass series and using free trawl survey q’s was adopted as the base model. This estimated that B0 was 290 000 t and that B2014 was 86% of B0. The current stock size was estimated to be well above the management target of 40% B0, and is likely to increase slightly over the next 5 years at the most recent catch level or to decrease at the level of the TACC.

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Tuesday, 8 March 2016
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FAR-2016-05-LING56 Stock Assessment.pdf

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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

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FAR: 2016/05;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-174-0;
ScienceStock: Deepwater;
Species: Genypterus blacodes; Ling;
Stock: LIN 5; LIN 6;
FishingMethod: Trawl survey;
ResearchField: Bayesian assessment; fish trawl survey q's; Ling; survey relative biomass;
Author: Roberts;

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