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190 items (1 to 10 shown)
37_HOK_09 (37_HOK_09.pdf)
A comparison of hoki acoustic biomass estimates west coast South Island 1985 and 1988, Cook Strait 1987 and 1988 (\1989 FARDs\89_05_FARD.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992-2001 (HOK1999-02 Survey Hoki Chatham Rise Objective 4 Final.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. (11_47_FAR.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix B: species CDL to CYP (11_47_ Species CDL to CYP.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix C: DCO to FRS. (11_47_Species DCO to FRS.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix D: GAS to HTH. (11_47_Species GAS to HTH.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix E: JAV to LSO. (11_47_Species JAV to LSO.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix F: MAK to ORH. (11_47_Species MAK to ORH.pdf)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix G: PDG to RUD. (11_47_Species PDG to RUD.pdf)