Fisheries Infosite

Customary Fisheries Plan guidance document

draft background hui 1 mar09.doc

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draft background hui 1 mar09.doc (37 kb)

Examples of possible plan headings and issues
For a
Customary Fisheries Plan (Iwi Planning Document)  
Note: All the information below is provided as an example of what the purpose of a plan could be, the process for developing a plan and possible plan contents. The actual purpose, process and contents of the plan will be determined by tangata tiaki/kaitiaki and runanga members at hui and through ongoing iterations of a draft plan.

Document date
Monday, 11 May 2009
Document type

File format
Microsoft Word
File size
37 kb
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Uploaded from
M:\Policy\Extension Services\Ngai Tahu\Ngati Wae Wae planning\draft background hui 1 mar09.doc

Uploaded date
Monday, 11 May 2009

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Forum: Ngati Waewae;

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