Fisheries Infosite



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For this stock, BMSY is interpreted as the mean biomass under a CAY policy (BMAY), which is estimated to be 30% B0.

In terms of stock status and yields, the 2000 assessment was much more pessimistic than the 1998 assessment. This is because the stochastic model used in 2000 fitted the CPUE data reasonably well, whereas the previously used deterministic model did not (Figure 1).

The 2000 assessment of this stock indicated that it was about one tenth of BMSY (range: 7% to 14% of BMSY) in the year 2000. The TACC was reduced to 1 t (effectively closing the fishery) in 2000–01 to promote the rebuilding of the stock towards BMSY. The extent to which the stock has rebuilt since the closure of the fishery cannot be determined without the collection of additional data.

Two combined trawl and acoustic surveys were completed using industry vessels in 2005 and 2006 but these were not able to determine the current biomass of orange roughy in this stock.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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163.2 kb
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Thursday, 11 June 2009

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Species: ORH;
Stock: ORH7A;

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