Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2014/33 Characterisation and length-based population model for scampi (Metanephrops challengeri) in the Bay of Plenty (SCI 1) and Hawke Bay/Wairarapa (SCI 2)

FAR_2014_33_2719_DEE2010-02SCIB (Obj. 1, MS 9, RR 4B).pdf

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Assessments of SCI 1 and SCI 2 scampi stocks have been updated, and assessments for both were accepted. For SCI 1, SSB has remains stable at around 70% SSB0. Fishing intensity has consistently been below F 40% B0. For SCI 2, SSB has increased recently, and is around 65% SSB0. Fishing intensity peaked in 2002 but has declined in recent years, while SSB/SSB0 has increased. For both stocks, future catches between 100 and 140 tonnes (to 2018) are not predicted to reduce the SSB below 40% SSB0.

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Wednesday, 30 July 2014
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Monday, 4 August 2014

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FAR: 2014/33;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43710-2;
ScienceStock: SCI;
Species: Scampi;
Stock: SCI 1; SCI 2;
ResearchField: Characterisation; length-based population model;
Author: Tuck;

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