Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2015/68 Summary of input data for the 2014 PAU 5A stock assessment.


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FAR_2015_68_PAU-5A-input-data.pdf (14.2 MB)

Summarises the data inputs for the 2014 stock assessment of blackfoot paua in PAU 5A. Separate assessments were conducted for two subareas: a southern area (Chalky and South Coast), and a northern area (Milford, George, Central, and Dusky). The data collated for the assessment model were: (1) standardised CPUE based on CELR data (2) standardised CPUE based on PCELR data (3) a standardised research diver survey index (RDSI) (4) research diver survey proportions-at-lengths (5) commercial catch sampling length frequency (CSLF) (6) tag-recapture length increment data and (7) maturity-at-length.

Document date
Monday, 9 November 2015
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V 1.3
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Monday, 9 November 2015

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FAR: 2015/68;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-094-1;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: Paua;
Stock: PAU 5A;
ResearchField: blackfoot paua; paua; standardised CPUE based on CELR data; standardised CPUE based on PCELR data;
Author: Fu; McKenzie; Naylor;

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