Fisheries Infosite

Plenary (JDO_FINAL 08)

JDO_FINAL 08.pdf

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Estimates of absolute current and reference biomass are not available.

John dory is principally a bycatch species and, as such, estimates of MCY based on catch statistics

are uncertain. Under such conditions it is difficult to determine whether changes in the reported

catches indicate actual changes in the stocks or simply changes in the catches of the target species.

In 1994–95, the TACC for JDO 1 was slightly overcaught for the first time since the start of the

QMS. The 1994–95 landings follows a consistent trend of increasing catches, probably due to

increased targeting for John dory. However, other factors, such as increased abundance or changing

fishing practices, may also have contributed to JDO 1 catch increases but trawl surveys in sub-areas

of JDO 1 reveal no apparent trend in John dory biomass. Since 1994–95, the TACC for JDO 1 has

been undercaught.

For JDO 1 recent catch levels and the current TACC are likely to be sustainable at least in the shortterm.

It is not known if recent catch levels and the current TACC are sustainable in the long-term. For

all other JDO stocks it is not known if the recent catch levels and current TACCs are sustainable. For

all Fishstocks it is unknown if recent catches or the current TACCs are at levels that will allow the

stocks to move towards a size that will support the MSY.

Document date
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Document type
V 1.3
File format
Adobe PDF
File size
172.1 kb
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Uploaded date
Friday, 7 November 2008

Search tags
Species: JDO;
Stock: JDO1; JDO10; JDO2; JDO3; JDO7; JDOET;

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